News about are google internships paid

Where Millionaires Live

The rich just keep getting richer, with this year's global household wealth growing 7.8%. The highest growth level occurred in Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. These countries were followed up by a more contained growth in Western Europe and North America. Statistics show there are more m… read more

Why Use Pure Beeswax Candles

Most of the candles on the market today are made from paraffin since it costs less and burns smoother, however, the true best choice is pure beeswax candles. They are more economic in the long run, better for your health, better for the environment and have a unique beauty and perfume. If you burn a beeswax candle with… read more

How to Burn More Calories Swimming

Everyone knows that half an hour of swimming is a great way to burn around 250 calories while having fun and toning your muscles, but why settle for just that? Here's how to burn more and still feel great. It's possible to push your swim workout up a notch with these simple tips. First of all, keep your heart rate up t… read more

Don't Neglect These Details When Buying a Home

It may seem that the stars have finally aligned when you are about to buy a new house and come up with the down payment plan, however, don't rush to close the deal without doing all your homework. Here are some common things that home buyers neglect to check out before it's too late to do anything about it. You want to… read more

Top Locations to Raise a Family

Today's young, working parents are often considering leaving urban environments and venturing out into nature with their family. If small town living is for you, here are some of the top choices with consideration to public school levels, safety, housing costs, commute to the nearest city, poverty, households with chil… read more