Should Your Child Be Held Back a Grade?

When a parent first hears that his or her child may be held back a year in school the news can be quite a shock and seem to be entirely negative. However, holding a child back a year can be a positive thing for the child allowing him or her to further learn and mature without the potential struggles that would have come with advancing. In any case however, it's important to identify the reason that a student is requested to repeat a grade. It may have been relocation, excessive absences or illness and in these cases retention may be the best answer.
It also depends on your child's age, as repeated schooling at a young age is easier. However, in the case that an older child is held back because he or she is not full comprehending the educational material, it might be the right moment to consider your rights. Not only will it be socially traumatic for your child, but some specialists even consider it to be ineffective, and can often be associated with creating behavioral problems. In moments like these its important to use your instincts and become more active in your child's education or consider other alternatives.

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