A Delicious Dairy Free Cream Recipe

Looking for a tasty alternative to creamy desserts? Here's a surprising solution that will satisfy your cravings without losing out on taste and texture. Plus, it's actually good for you! Few people know about the power of eating raw food or the possibility to make delicious creams with soaked nuts. To make a creamy dessert, start by soaking raw organic cashews overnight. The next morning drain them and add a bit of water to cover the cashews after you place them in a powerful blender.
The amount of water you add will determine how dense your cream becomes. Once the cashews have been blended, add a teaspoon or two of raw honey, agave syrup or another natural sweetener. Consider scraping some fresh vanilla bean seeds in, or adding real vanilla extract. Taste the cream as you go and consider playing around with other flavors, as the cashew base taste is quite neutral and spouses well with other flavors. This cream is also delicious with fresh fruit! Try it to see what a scrumptious alternative it can be to dairy-based creams.

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