How to Obtain a Job in Finance

The choices for a job in the financial field are endless! Besides the vast possibilities, it's a field that is open to all sorts of people and backgrounds because besides the fact that you'll need your math skills, good business also includes an important creative aspect. Due to the high level of competition in the field, it's helpful to begin by earning a college degree. You may start with a Bachelor's degree and then choose to continue your education later when you have financial support from the company who employees you to pay for graduate school.
College will also help you to have a better sense of the full range of possibilities out there. Consider the current recession, it may pay off to specialize in credit financing or a steady field like loan firms or property financing. To begin your job search, write a strong resume that will help you stand out. Use your university or other contacts to reach out to potential employers and consider starting with an internship. Don't hesitate to take advantage of social networking like Facebook to build your contacts and post your completed resume on websites like Monster and Career builder. As you go forward in the job search process new opportunities will open up and you'll gain a better sense of which aspects of the field of finance are most attractive to you.

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