Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Recent statistics show that around the world 1 in 3 women suffers from verbal or physical abuse. This number is extremely high and shows that violence against women is a very real problem that is happening right now. In many cases, due to an unhappy family life or childhood, or simply because the person knows no better, the abuse is accepted and normalized. Are you prepared to recognize abusive behavior? If not recognized early on and repaired, abusive behavior can destroy a relationship.
Abuse is when one partners tries to control the other, be it through psychological, physical, financial, sexual or emotional abuse. Commonly this can manifest in possessiveness, frequent accuses, multiple affairs, improper criticism or public teasing, slapping, hitting or physical dominance, or sex against one's will. If you are unsure about your relationship, speak to a counselor or someone you trust to get a second opinion and always make sure you are in a safe position before deciding to leave an abusive relationship.

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