Are Kids' Sports Too Competitive?
Statistics show that between 30 million and 45 million American kids are active in some form of athletics each year. This may be because in urban environments parents don't feel comfortable letting their kids play outdoors. However, the world of organized sports for kids have changed and grown more competitive. The mentality and the culture is to push kids to become serious enough to join a competitive sports league at a young age. Games are filled with talent scouts, and if a child does sign up to go competitive well then he or she will be committed to many weekly and weekend practices, games that are far from home and also signing an agreement to not play any other sports.
For example, there is even a Kids Golf World Championship that has a category for children under six years of age! All in all there has been a professionalism of youth sports that barely leaves children a chance to just be kids. There is also the social aspect of these sports that breed competitiveness and visions of grandeur. Speak to your child to help him or her do a sport of their choice that they enjoy and hopefully at a non-competitive level.
For example, there is even a Kids Golf World Championship that has a category for children under six years of age! All in all there has been a professionalism of youth sports that barely leaves children a chance to just be kids. There is also the social aspect of these sports that breed competitiveness and visions of grandeur. Speak to your child to help him or her do a sport of their choice that they enjoy and hopefully at a non-competitive level.