News about social media facts

Will The Kitchen Robot Change Cooking Forever?

Have you heard about the Thermomix kitchen machine. In some European countries it is also called Bimby. It's reputation proceeds it as it seems to be able to create miracles in the kitchen. The Thermomix is made to multitask, it can cook, chop, weigh, crush, emulsify, whip, mix, steam, blend, knead, grind, simmer, grat… read more

Fennel Fights Cancer

Though it may not be as well known as squash and Autumn greens, fennel is equal in nutritional value and most people who are familiar with it love its fresh taste. Fennel is an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, healthy fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. What's more, the same aromatic compound th… read more

Why Eat Beets?

Red beets are one of those foods that get strong opinions: it's love or hate. However, what cannot be denied is that they are an extremely nutrient dense food that can help prevent heart disease and a variety of cancer forms. Most of all they are rich in B vitamins, but they also contain potassium, magnesium and the gr… read more