News about best money tips

Fennel Fights Cancer

Though it may not be as well known as squash and Autumn greens, fennel is equal in nutritional value and most people who are familiar with it love its fresh taste. Fennel is an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, healthy fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. What's more, the same aromatic compound th… read more

Basic CPR 101

One never knows when having confidence in your CPR skills can come in handy. Life is unpredictable. However, even if you haven't had the possibility to take a CPR class, this is the necessary information to have a basic understanding of how to perform CPR and when it's appropriate to use it. CPR stands for cardiopulm… read more

Companies Try to Make Industrial Food Look Natural

In the latest of a multitude of ironies, the commercial food industry is now working to make their commercial food products look more natural and less processed and “perfect.” The billion dollar commercial food industry now wants to perfect the art of imperfection. For example, now that Domino's Pizza sells “arti… read more

A Legal Source for Dog Bite Victims

In the USA there is a specific law regarding dog bites, called the Dog Bite Law. Its basis is that dog owners are liable for all dog bites simply because they are the guardians of the animal. In the case that there are legal damages, this is usually covered by a homeowner or renter's insurance policy that may have been… read more

iPhone: The Consumer Electronic of Choice

We all know how popular the iPhone is, but what people aren't prepared for is the mad popularity that will come with the iPhone mini or the iPhone Lite. As of now, it's just a rumour that this product exists, but the fact is that is Apple wants to remain competitive, this is going to be a necessary product for them to … read more