News about social media searches

Sports Over Video Games

It's obvious that the list of benefits of playing sports instead of video games is endless. However, let's just go over a few to be sure the message is clear! Sports build teamwork, video games are solitary and competitive. Sports build athletic skill, video games build hand-eye coordination and quite often, violence. … read more

Common Causes for a Check Engine Light

We all know that feeling of fear in the pit of one's stomach when the engine light suddenly flashes on in the car. Oh no, what now? And how much will it cost me are usually the first two questions. For most of us this means a trip to the mechanic, but sometimes it's an electrical error. The problem with the check engin… read more

Your Best Smartphone

In the market for a smartphone? The choices can certainly be overwhelming! Once you've selected a carrier there is the still issue of how many phones are available out there – and they all look the same! Not to mention all the new players on the smartphone market. Here are the top 8 smartphones on the market. Samsung… read more

Gadgets You Can Speak With?

Today there is a wide array of gadgets that human beings can speak with. The question we ask is why? Essentially, because it's easier to use speech communication to interact with all a gadgets features than to fill it with millions of buttons - which is difficult as humans want their tech devices to be ever-smaller. S… read more

The Future of Sustainable Clothing

The next generation of clothing may very well be made from organic materials like raw hemp! Sustainable apparel has been picking up steam in recent years. In the past, the low demand for such products has prevented its growth in the free market; sustainable production of a sustainable product could previously never rea… read more