News about google intern salaries

Top Apparel for Teens

Getting the best-dressed award in your school yearbook doesn't have to mean spending a fortune. Good style is creativity, a sense of proportion and an excellent eye for color. Teens love to shop, in fact, they make up a large part of today's consumer market, especially regarding apparel. However, encourage your teen to… read more

Laws Regarding International Adoption

International adoption is when a child is adopted by caretakers from another nation, often called stranger adoption. In this case the parents and adopted child meet at a point of intersection that crosses biology, socio-economic class, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality and cultural heritage. Because international … read more

So You Want To Be a Chef?

If you are thinking of going to culinary school, the first thing to do is speak to a professional chef. Chances are they will discourage you and this is a good thing. Why? If you want to make it as a chef you are going to have to pass a huge amount of trials and challenges. Today's star chefs that are seen on TV and el… read more

Organic Foods Boom Even With Economic Woes

Though in most fields luxury products and lifestyle have plummeted, it looks like organic foods are here to stay. In fact, throughout the economic crisis, the sales of organic foods have sky-rocketed with sales reaching about $23 billion in 2009. So why are expensive organic foods sticking around when others fail? The … read more

Why to Rent Instead of Buy

Though owning one's own home is a common lifelong goal, there are several reasons it may be better to rent instead of buying. Once families built their homes, but today it's more common to buy it from someone else. While buying may have financial advantages, when the economy is poor it's renters who benefit the most. T… read more