News about google intern salaries

The Future of Sustainable Clothing

The next generation of clothing may very well be made from organic materials like raw hemp! Sustainable apparel has been picking up steam in recent years. In the past, the low demand for such products has prevented its growth in the free market; sustainable production of a sustainable product could previously never rea… read more

Why Choose LED lights?

One of the most important consumer electronics of the past few years is LED lighting. LED stands for Light-emitting diode. What makes LED a stand out product is its phenomenal energy efficiency, long life span, little maintenance, and zero hazardous materials. LED lights also produce illumination that is both visually … read more

Trends in Knitting

Knitting is no longer just for grandmothers, today it's a trend for people of all ages with a huge range of possibilities as far as design and creativity go. Only a few years ago knitting began to turn a new page and appeal to young crafters, simultaneously a large array of colorful, inventive new yarns, patterns and r… read more

A Hobby That's Good for Your Health

If your hobby is gardening then there is good news, it's also good for your health. Here are just a few of the reasons why. After sitting at your desk all day moving around in the garden and completing the work at a leisurely pace which is all your own is a pleasure. You are creating something beautiful and it may just… read more

Turn a Hobby Into a Career

Everyone dreams about the possibility of doing their favorite activities as a job, however, few are so lucky. Now is a great time to put your quality of life over your bank account and take a risk, perhaps you can do both something you love and make money on it. Your life will thank you for it! First consider all your … read more