How to Publish Your Own Book

Publishing a book was once a grass roots enterprise, then mega publishing houses formed and it became very difficult to get published, later on, thanks to the Internet, it's once again an opportunity that the everyday person can consider. To begin, you'll want to be sure you have an engaging topic, whether it's an area you are expert in or a romantic novel. As with anything else, before jumping into self-publishing, you'll want to do your research.
One thing to keep in mind is if you want to own your own International Standard Book Number, this will allow you to keep more rights over eventual publication in the future. Now is the time to think about budget, publication is the major cost, though e-books have lower fees. Today it's cheaper to do a print-on-demand rather than a bulk order. One of the most important things when selling any product is marketing: how will you promote the book, do you have a blog, what will your royalty fees be? There are several choices for self-publishing, take a look at their sites and see which is best for you: CreateSpace, Blurb, Booktango and Lulu.

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