The First Step to a Strong Career in Finance

The first step to a strong career in finance is a good education with the right degree. This is where young professionals will get their first taste of what skills and knowledge are necessary to succeed in their business aspect of choice. Today's financial schools are well-equipped to offer students the training they will need in both the managerial side of business and the technical, strategic side. Most students quickly realize that the field of business encompasses more than they originally thought: successful business entails problem solving, research, technology, ethics, innovation, marketing, and 'cross pollination' with other fields of study.
Universities take this into consideration and offer students a strong financial background and the possibility to specialize in their area of interest in Graduate school. Keep in mind that though a bachelor's degree is considered the minimum requirement for a career in business, if you want to continue your education it's often possible to do this through your employer. Many corporations and larger companies offer young employees the possibility to have their advanced education paid for by the company as the employees increasing knowledge and skill set is a great asset to them. Once completing your degree, research which areas of finance are growing, some of today's most popular career choices for those with a bachelor's in finance are: financial consulting, finance management, investment banking, financial planning, insurance, real estate, corporate finance and commercial banking.

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