News about what is the healthiest flavored water to drink

Fashion Retailers Don't Sign Bangladesh Safety Accord

In April of 2013, 1,200 factory workers in Bangladesh died when a clothing factory caught fire. It seems that the building hadn't passed safety exams, but remained open to meet work flow needs. This disaster has once again brought up the unhealthy and potentially harmful conditions that workers in countries like India,… read more

Why People Read a News Story

A survey has been done analyzing why readers click on a specific article in an online news source. The study questions what makes certain news appealing by what words are contained in the title and introductory text. In general the research was carried out by studying which articles were the most “popular” on any g… read more

The Book of Mormon Musical

Now that the Book of Mormon musical has migrated from New York to Los Angeles and can be seen even in London, the musical has created even more buzz as it starts its tour worldwide. The creators of the critically acclaimed Broadway musical are the same men who are responsible for the ridiculous and always controversial… read more

The Right Curriculum for Young Children: Play

Never underestimate the value of play as an educational tool. A good kindergarten program should focus on active play that involves discussions and artistic projects to enhance a child's creativity and reasoning skills. Crafts can delight children for hours and will build their independence and self esteem. Another fu… read more

Save on Great Gifts

Do you ever have a really good gift idea, but the cost is over your budget? If this is true for you, online shopping is the right answer and will help you to find the best solution, fast! There are even comparison sites tailored to meet gift shopping needs, all you have to do is use the search tool and then review the … read more