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How to Avoid Overspending

It can be difficult for some people to responsibly manage their money on a day-to-day basis. Especially with the use of credit cards and ATM debit cards, people have also stopped relying on physical money in their daily transactions, and the result of this can be that the amount of money being spent doesn’t cross the… read more

How to Stay Healthy When Traveling

If you are traveling to an exotic location, but still want to eat like a local there are certain guidelines to follow that can help you avoid becoming ill. To begin with, wash your hands often – especially before and after a meal – and use soap or carry an antibacterial gel. Be careful to not drink fruit shakes fro… read more

Save on Natural Foods

Does it seem like every time you go into the natural food store you come out with a small bag of groceries and a big hole in your pocket? There is no doubt that organic and natural foods come with a high price tag, however, it's possible to cut corners without losing quality. Just like in the regular supermarket, the m… read more

Will Credit Cards Make You a Bad Person?

Once a cashless society, where physical money is no longer used, seemed impossible, today thanks to credit cards it has become a reality. In the 1970s, in the USA, 80% of Americans didn't have a credit card, today 80% of American do have a credit card. We can all agree that when we have a card and no cash it's a hassle… read more

Celebrity Restaurant Owners

The progression from movie star or international musician to restaurant owner has become pretty standard these days. Celebrities have begun opening their own restaurants, bars, and night clubs either as silent partners or in many cases, even full-blown owners. Jay-Z has a chain of sports bars that are similar in a way … read more