News about rental property mexico

Overseas Tax

First of all, let's get to the heart of the question: do you have to pay taxes if you live overseas? The answer is that you must always file a tax return, but chances are you won't owe any taxes. Find out if you file for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, you can exclude up to $95k from your US income taxes! The best… read more

Don't Neglect These Details When Buying a Home

It may seem that the stars have finally aligned when you are about to buy a new house and come up with the down payment plan, however, don't rush to close the deal without doing all your homework. Here are some common things that home buyers neglect to check out before it's too late to do anything about it. You want to… read more

Flood Damaged Car Help

With recent extreme weather conditions it's possible that you may find yourself with a flood damaged car and without the right insurance to pay for it. Here's what to do when you have a flooded car to deal with. If it's yours, start by calling your insurance company, if you have a comprehensive insurance plan you'll be… read more

How to Check Car Fluids

We all know what a big investment having a car is – that's why it's important to know how to maintain it. Through proper and attentive maintenance it's possible to save big time on auto expenses. You'll be safeguarding your car from potential breakdowns, damage or eventually even an accident. At the same time you are… read more

Managing Curly Hair in the Summer

While some people are blessed with naturally sleek, straight hair even after a swim, some of us have the burden of managing frizzy, unruly curls on the go and with no styling appliances. Especially over summer, girls with curls have to get creative with taming their tresses in the great outdoors. Since camping trips an… read more