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Manage your Crypto with Ledger!

One powerful app and a safe, durable hardware wallet, to manage your crypto and keep them safe at the same time.Buying, Exchanging and Staking, everything is possible with Ledger App!You'll be able to easily grow your portfolio and keep it 100% safe thanks to the hardware wallet.Everything you do on the app, must be co… read more

The Spin on Climate Change

For those who are knowledgeable about climate change and convinced that it is happening, for those who understand that it's simply a question of science and not politics, the lack of media coverage regarding global warming is absurd. Even more so, the fact that for how the media poses it, global warming is up for debat… read more

Kitchen Gadgets You Just Don't Need

Retailers will push every kind of gadget under the sun on consumers – all in the name of simplifying their lives and the latest must-have 'technology' to get the job done. In the kitchen, just as everywhere else, it seems like there's a slew of ridiculous objects on the market. Here are some of out top picks for the … read more

Adoption & Your Family

Adopting a child is not an easy process. It's ironic, especially considering how many needy children there are in the world! However, if you want to adopt it may take several years, that is if you qualify. The choices are private adoption, foreign adoption, open adoption and independent adoption. Each has its own costs… read more

Which Country Has the Best Internet Access?

The question of which country has the best Internet access is an interesting one because it doesn't mean which country uses the Internet the most, but rather which has the best technology making it available to them. The most recent study reveals the winner for fastest Internet service is South Korea. It has an average… read more