News about climate changes affects

Drink Water for Beauty

Water is one of Mother Nature's best kept beauty secrets. It will enhance yours kin, nails and hair while it benefits the body and helps it to keep “running” smoothly. By drinking water and remaining hydrated you can encourage fresh skin, you'll flush out toxins and help keep pores clean. It also will help you to l… read more

How to Look Naturally Beautiful

Harsh chemicals, hours in front of the mirror, an expensive blow dryer and hair products – none of these are necessary to look beautiful. Here are some natural choices to look and feel great. For a radiant complexion start by cleaning your skin and then rubbing some sliced grapes over it – they are an excellent nat… read more

Save on Natural Foods

Does it seem like every time you go into the natural food store you come out with a small bag of groceries and a big hole in your pocket? There is no doubt that organic and natural foods come with a high price tag, however, it's possible to cut corners without losing quality. Just like in the regular supermarket, the m… read more

Sneaky Tips for Healthier Eating

Making healthy choices is an important part of investing in your child’s future. Children with childhood obesity have a greater risk of getting diabetes later in life, so it is truly important for parents to make responsible choices when it comes to preparing meals and packing lunches. The difficult part is not alway… read more

Top Jobs for Travel

Want to get paid to see the world? If you can't afford to travel without work, here are some ideas. Consider working as a freelance writer/photographer. Contact companies like Lonely Planet and National Geographic. Today in certain countries there is a strong demand for ESL teachers, for example, working in Korea and A… read more