News about barbie doll 2012

Becoming and Older Parent

Today, with all the technology and advances regarding infertility, we are socially very aware and sensitive to a parent's age. Whatever ones choices regarding not having children previously, a pregnancy later in life is nothing to feel bad about and there are certain perks to being an older parent as well. Is there now… read more

Angelina Jolie Reveals Double Mastectomy

In a stunning show of courage and a touching personal revelation Angelina Jolie shared with the public that she decided to have a double mastectomy in oder to help prevent the high risk she carries of getting breast cancer. She has a mutant form of a gene that makes it likely for her to get breast and ovarian cancer. T… read more

Are Kids' Sports Too Competitive?

Statistics show that between 30 million and 45 million American kids are active in some form of athletics each year. This may be because in urban environments parents don't feel comfortable letting their kids play outdoors. However, the world of organized sports for kids have changed and grown more competitive. The men… read more

Writing a Business Plan: A Road Map to Success

Though many people feel intimidated by the idea of writing out a business plan, this is an essential and useful first step in organizing one's ideas and goals while outlining a realistic business strategy to build revenue and stability in the coming years. A business plan should lay out the scope of the company and the… read more

Appeal of American Apparel

The clothing company American Apparel is undoubtedly a large part of the hipster revolution, or it is at least responsible for keeping it dressed accordingly. The fact that American Apparel is a self-proclaimed sweatshop free company is important to many young people who wear their products. Their factory is located in… read more