News about bad relationship

Tax Deductions You May Not Know About

Few people know how much money they can save with tax breaks, and even fewer know how many tax breaks are really out there. Here's some deductions and credits to keep in mind. For example, did you know that donating to charity can be used for a tax break? Make sure to get a written receipt of the total value of the it… read more

Your Best Smartphone

In the market for a smartphone? The choices can certainly be overwhelming! Once you've selected a carrier there is the still issue of how many phones are available out there – and they all look the same! Not to mention all the new players on the smartphone market. Here are the top 8 smartphones on the market. Samsung… read more

How to Make Silk Flowers

This season's hottest accessory is a gorgeous flower that never wilts: silk flowers. They look real and are a gorgeous alternative to real flowers without the time limits. To begin, gather your supplies together, you will need: thin floral wire, wire cutters, fabric pen, petal stencils, silk fabric, scissors, craft pai… read more

Grocery Shop Online

The truth is most of us don't have time to shop for groceries, or, if we have the time we'd rather use it to be doing something else: playing with our kids, enjoying a walk in the park, working out, and much more. However, thanks to today's technology, it's possible to eliminate wasting time with grocery shopping. Usin… read more

The Problem with Standardized Testing

For many students standardized testing is a drama that creates high expectations, fear, anxiety and is also essentially quite boring. Being that it's considered such an important test in the American education system, students place an overly large amount of concern on what there scores are and what it will mean for th… read more