News about adoption

Visiting New Mexico

New Mexico, also called 'The Land of Enchantment,' is a Southwestern state that offers a unique climate and ambient for visitors. The summers are wickedly hot and winters can be harsh in the state's Northern tier. New Mexico is rich in archeology, with ruins from ancient indigenous communities scattered everywhere. The… read more

Hosting a Bar Mitzvah

Ironically, the party that follows the bar mitzvah usually gets more attention than the actual ceremony itself. It's actually a part of Jewish tradition that the child who is having the bar mitzvah host a party or festival afterwards. Recently though these festivals have become quite impressive and sometimes it seems t… read more

Internet Usage Worldwide

Though it may be obvious which countries are the largest in the real world, but how about virtually? Now we'll look at which countries boast the most internet users and what their growth potential may be. To begin, it's important to know that there are 1.8 billion users in the world, yet only 32 countries with only mor… read more

Help! Can't Afford Your Student Loans?

The common options for those who are having trouble paying off their student loans is to use student loan forbearance or deferment, which, while both valid financial aid tools, may be an expensive mistake. Though at first these and other programs may seem like a blessing: immediate relief from financial hardship, but n… read more

Top Colleges That Break Your Budget

Many people don't even consider college when they find out that the price for private schools is over $100,000 for four years. However, if you are a family with financial need, the price will actually be lower. With Ivy League schools like Harvard tacking on a $45,000 a year price tag, one starts to consider state scho… read more