News about organic foods healthy

Top Colleges That Break Your Budget

Many people don't even consider college when they find out that the price for private schools is over $100,000 for four years. However, if you are a family with financial need, the price will actually be lower. With Ivy League schools like Harvard tacking on a $45,000 a year price tag, one starts to consider state scho… read more

Finding the Perfect Country Home

Finding your perfect home in the country is no easy process! As with any home, the first and most important thing is that you fall in love - head over heels in love - with your country home. To begin your search, think about the importance of place - how isolated do you want your home to be? What kind of natural ambien… read more

What to Eat in Modena, Italy

Modena is well known for its rich and varied cuisine. There are many meat products, from hams and salamis, as well as the famous Modenese dish: Zampone. This is usually quite fatty and hardy and served during the holidays. Zampone is the hoof of a pig stuffed with other flavorful meats. It's usually served with polenta… read more

Should You Speak About Money Before Marriage?

An important discussion, one that can in fact make or break a marriage, is apparently more difficult for most couples to have than deciding which style for the wedding band or other nerve-wracking, forever-style, questions. The topic most people are skirting around is finances, a common source of disagreement among cou… read more

Rihanna: Rolemodel?

Recently the singer and fashion designer Rihanna has come under a lot of slack for being a bad role model. She's sexy, immodest, and is often seen making rude gestures. However, why does Rihanna have to be a role model at all? As a woman, Rihanna comes under scrutiny because of her sexy dressing style with bosom and bo… read more