News about organic foods healthy

The Value of a Community Potluck

A community potluck is a great way to build and celebrate a strong neighborhood and community. Knowing your neighbors will improve your life and can also mean that you'll have a stronger network and support system. Throwing a community potluck will bring everyone together to meet, greet, discuss individual lives and pr… read more

Your Best Smartphone

In the market for a smartphone? The choices can certainly be overwhelming! Once you've selected a carrier there is the still issue of how many phones are available out there – and they all look the same! Not to mention all the new players on the smartphone market. Here are the top 8 smartphones on the market. Samsung… read more

How Much Are Google Interns Paid?

Are you surprised to hear that Google interns are most likely getting paid more than you? This highly coveted internship is no joke and also offers serious pay to students who make the cut. Sure, they are starting from the ground up, have no job security and do the most boring work, but they also get paid $6,000 a mont… read more

Rent a Beach House in Mexico

Thanks to fantastic new sites like AirBnb it's possible to find a rental room or apartment in Mexico that meets your needs and budget. The selection is the best part, as people rent out their own homes, second homes, shacks on the beach or luxury city apartments. In Mexico you'll find a lovely selection that reflects t… read more

Dolce & Gabbana Tax Evasion Scandal

In the middle of June, 2013, the Italian fashion designers Dolce & Gabbana were convicted in an Italian court of tax evasion, resulting in a sentence of up to one year and 8 months in prison. Both designers have denied the charges and plan to appeal. The process however has been a long one, dating back to 2004 when the… read more