News about paparazzi official site

Should Your Child Be Held Back a Grade?

When a parent first hears that his or her child may be held back a year in school the news can be quite a shock and seem to be entirely negative. However, holding a child back a year can be a positive thing for the child allowing him or her to further learn and mature without the potential struggles that would have com… read more

The Book of Mormon Musical

Now that the Book of Mormon musical has migrated from New York to Los Angeles and can be seen even in London, the musical has created even more buzz as it starts its tour worldwide. The creators of the critically acclaimed Broadway musical are the same men who are responsible for the ridiculous and always controversial… read more

Early Summer Home Maintenance

Whether your house is on the market or you just want to keep it in tip-top form, here are some tips for home maintenance that will show. Before moving your attention outdoors, here are some tips for keeping your house comfortable and safe this summer. Start by switching ceiling fan blades, you want the leading part of… read more

Baja, California Must Do's

Baja California is a very unique and beautiful location. This peninsula runs for hundreds of miles along the mainland of Mexico, separated by the Gulf of California. This gulf is the only enclosed water in the Pacific Ocean, creating a unique sea life and ambient that is some of the country's most dramatic landscapes… read more

Does Nature Photography Harm the Environment?

What may have at first glance seemed like a simple question is actually quite complex. Sure, nature photography is an excellent way to sure the beauty of the natural world with people who may not be able to appreciate it first-hand. And in fact, in some cases it may be a powerful tool to raise awareness about animals t… read more