News about watch 2d movie 3d mode

Can Cellular Phones Cause Cancer?

First of all, there are a few reasons that cell phones are linked to a potential for causing cancer and other health problems. The first is that cellular phones emit radio waves or non-ionizing radiation that is absorbed by the tissue nearest to where the phone is held, second, cell phone users have increased rapidly a… read more

Top Books for Children

Literacy in the United States is defined as a person over age fifteen who is able to read and write. Literacy levels in this country vary greatly depending on various factors: urban vs. rural, the immigrant population level of a certain area and more. What is known is that one in four children will grow up without lear… read more

Defeat Garden Pests

Don't let common garden pests get the better of your patience or ruin a beautiful flower display that you worked so hard to bring to life. Let's start with the most common of pests, the aphid. These little guys start out small and attack new growth leaving sad misshapen leaves. Lucky you, the easy organic solution is j… read more

Maximize Your Patio Space

If you have a small patio here are some ideas to improve your space and make the most of it. Start by cleaning it up and getting rid of extra materials, supplies and things you may have been storing there. Though a small patio probably mean you don't have a large garden, by placing trees and potted plants it's easy to … read more

Will Smith & Son Make Film

If you are a Will Smith Fan, than this is a happy day! News is just out that in 2013 Will Smith and his son, Jaden Smith, will star together in a new film by M Night Shyamalan called “After Earth.” It's another science fiction film that is set in the future, a thousand years after society has abandoned the planet E… read more