News about definiton organic food

Internet Access Tips for Travellers

If you are travelling and need to connect to the internet here are a series of helpful tips to help avoid unwanted surprises. Consider using a public wi-fi instead of your hotel's connection which may have blocks on how much broadband you can use. If the hotel offers a wired Ethernet connection chances are that will gi… read more

Need Vaccines to Travel?

If you have recently booked a holiday abroad, chances you are considering if you and your family should prepare yourselves by getting vaccines. Each country has various risks and recommendations for the vaccines that may be helpful. For example, if you are going to Mexico, the following vaccines are highly recommended … read more

Immigrate to an American Boom Town

Normally one thinks of immigrants as coming in from another country to live in the USA. However, sometimes it's right for us Americans to pack our bags and head to a new city with new opportunities. A Southwestern city growing in leaps and bounds is Austin, TX. It has a huge pull with the music festival South by Southw… read more

Top Dining Apps for Smart Phones

With the incredible convenience of smart phone apps, finding a great place to eat has become about a thousand times easier. There are tons of options to choose from, but you ultimately only need one good dining app. One of the most popular apps of this kind is Yelp; you can search for restaurants and bars in your vicin… read more

How to Burn More Calories Swimming

Everyone knows that half an hour of swimming is a great way to burn around 250 calories while having fun and toning your muscles, but why settle for just that? Here's how to burn more and still feel great. It's possible to push your swim workout up a notch with these simple tips. First of all, keep your heart rate up t… read more