News about food tracker my pyramid

Internet Access Tips for Travellers

If you are travelling and need to connect to the internet here are a series of helpful tips to help avoid unwanted surprises. Consider using a public wi-fi instead of your hotel's connection which may have blocks on how much broadband you can use. If the hotel offers a wired Ethernet connection chances are that will gi… read more

Choosing a Car Insurance

When choosing a car insurance the important thing is make sure you understand key concepts about the various policies available and why one is best for your needs. For example, first find out the difference between collision coverage and comprehensive coverage: collision coverage is just that – you insure your car ag… read more

Location Independent Careers

If you dream of the ability to travel, but the stability of a regular income, consider choosing a location independent career to finance your travels. Whether you want to work in the backyard or cafe in Mexico or on a tropical island, a location independent career is the best choice. Just like it sounds, location indep… read more

Work as a Textile Designer

The position of a textile designer is an interesting hybrid between artist, fashion designer and artisan. In essence, a textile designer works to create a 2D design that can be used, most likely as a repeated pattern in a design to produce knits, woven fabric, printed fabric or other textile products. A textile designe… read more

How to Publish Your Own Book

Publishing a book was once a grass roots enterprise, then mega publishing houses formed and it became very difficult to get published, later on, thanks to the Internet, it's once again an opportunity that the everyday person can consider. To begin, you'll want to be sure you have an engaging topic, whether it's an area… read more