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The Future of 3D in Films

The future of 3D in the world of cinema brings out a heated debate. Martin Scorsese says he'll only make 3D movies for his future projects, James Cameron – the maker of Avatar – believes 3D is inevitable as the way all of us will view entertainment, while other critics find 3D to be a shallow stand in for poor acti… read more

70s Clothing Making a Comeback

If you are someone that follows fashion chances are you have gotten into the habit of saving clothes that seem like they have gone in style – this is because you know they will always come back in later on. Someone that follows fashion knows it's cyclical and repeats itself. These days it's all about the 70s again. T… read more

Core Labor Rights You Should Know

Ever since the recession hit and the job market has been at a depressing low, people who have been unemployed and looking for jobs have become desperate in their search for employment. Especially for people who have been without work for a while and have just recently reentered the work force, it can be easy to be take… read more

The Great Gatsby Film

Everyone is speaking about the latest Baz Luhrmann's film, The Great Gatsby, so here's what we think. In general Baz Luhrmann took a lot of risks when creating one of America's most well known and revered books into a film. However, Mr. Luhrmann remains faithful to the book in the text, key moments and dialogue. The co… read more

The Nightlife in Barcelona

Did you know Barcelona is considered the city that doesn't sleep? Starting with the fact that the Spanish eat very late, drink very late and go out very's no surprise that clubs are empty until around one or two in the morning. Barcelona clubs are trendy, spectacular and varied. Most are free and some will ev… read more