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Teach Kids the Gift of Giving

One of the best ways to teach your children about giving is through helping others, this will help children understand that the holidays are not all about material items that have been bought to please them or others. They will understand it's not about me, but rather us – all together. When a child feels and lives … read more

Are We Losing the Global Warming Fight?

For so long global warming was kept out of the news. Facts and research wasn't published and the terms “climate change” and “global warming” weren't used. They were considered taboo. Today however global warming is becoming an unavoidable reality and with CO2 emissions at an all time high in 2012 the media is … read more

Labor Shortage for Trucking Companies in the USA

Trucking companies in the present moment have a shortage of workers around 30,000. New rules from the government that ensure reduced driving hours will create a need for an additional 100,000 drivers. Though this will open job opportunities the fact that there is already such a noticeable shortage may mean that working… read more

Naturally Improve Your Chances for Pregnancy

Did you know that simple changes in diet and lifestyle can dramatically increase your chances of getting pregnant? Here are some other tips and tools. Know when you are in the moment of optimal fertility by measuring your basal body temperature, intercourse should occur a few days before and after ovulation begins. Th… read more

Becoming and Older Parent

Today, with all the technology and advances regarding infertility, we are socially very aware and sensitive to a parent's age. Whatever ones choices regarding not having children previously, a pregnancy later in life is nothing to feel bad about and there are certain perks to being an older parent as well. Is there now… read more