News about fwh financial group inc

Top Locations to Raise a Family

Today's young, working parents are often considering leaving urban environments and venturing out into nature with their family. If small town living is for you, here are some of the top choices with consideration to public school levels, safety, housing costs, commute to the nearest city, poverty, households with chil… read more

Using Social Media for Business

Have you considered using social media to promote and grow your business? It's an inexpensive and popular choice to help business keep new and existing customers talking about your products and services. The top picks for social media networks are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn. Each one can offer uni… read more

Safety on Cruise Ships

Whether it's a large scale disaster like the Costa Concordia in Italy in 2012, or individual deaths or disappearances, cruise ships can be dangerous. Their safety has become a recent issue to debate, as well as evacuation techniques and preparation. Due to these recent incidents, cruise ships have strengthened their sa… read more

Tax Deductions You May Not Know About

Few people know how much money they can save with tax breaks, and even fewer know how many tax breaks are really out there. Here's some deductions and credits to keep in mind. For example, did you know that donating to charity can be used for a tax break? Make sure to get a written receipt of the total value of the it… read more

Flood Damaged Car Help

With recent extreme weather conditions it's possible that you may find yourself with a flood damaged car and without the right insurance to pay for it. Here's what to do when you have a flooded car to deal with. If it's yours, start by calling your insurance company, if you have a comprehensive insurance plan you'll be… read more