News about things do colorado

Are Kids' Sports Too Competitive?

Statistics show that between 30 million and 45 million American kids are active in some form of athletics each year. This may be because in urban environments parents don't feel comfortable letting their kids play outdoors. However, the world of organized sports for kids have changed and grown more competitive. The men… read more

Becoming and Older Parent

Today, with all the technology and advances regarding infertility, we are socially very aware and sensitive to a parent's age. Whatever ones choices regarding not having children previously, a pregnancy later in life is nothing to feel bad about and there are certain perks to being an older parent as well. Is there now… read more

Essential Wardrobe Apparel

It's possible to own a minimum amount of apparel and always look great. You just need to curate your wardrobe with care, creating a base collection of wardrobe essentials that work in many ways and keep you looking and feeling good. To begin: a plain white t-shirt. Obviously, the choices are endless. Then, select a com… read more

Teach Kids the Gift of Giving

One of the best ways to teach your children about giving is through helping others, this will help children understand that the holidays are not all about material items that have been bought to please them or others. They will understand it's not about me, but rather us – all together. When a child feels and lives … read more

Choosing a Car Insurance

When choosing a car insurance the important thing is make sure you understand key concepts about the various policies available and why one is best for your needs. For example, first find out the difference between collision coverage and comprehensive coverage: collision coverage is just that – you insure your car ag… read more