Throw a Christening Party

A christening party is a rite of passage in most babies lives, for both themselves and their families. It's also a great reason to get together and celebrate with friends. Some families have the party while the child is still very young, around 1 to 2 months, while others wait until the child is old enough to be aware of what's happening and let them decide when they want to be christened. Either way, it's an important even that will bring family together and let them show their support. To organize your party it's necessary to select the date, which is usually the same as the day of the church service.
Next set a time and location for the party, usually it's easier to have it near the church or even at the church. Make sure you give friends and family enough notice to come to the party, send out your invitations early. Plan a special menu, you can do a buffet, potluck or just have nice snacks. A nice way to share feelings is to buy a memory book for your party that your child will be able to enjoy when he or she is older. Finally, choose your decorations, usually the color of choice is white. If there are other small children at the party make sure to plan activities to make the day fun and special for them too.

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