Wrap a Beautiful Gift

It doesn't take much to make a beautifully wrapped gift, just a bit of extra case and attention. To begin with, choose your paper. It can be as simple or as wild as you want it to be. You can even use the classic recycled funnies pages. Cut the paper down to the size of your gift and if you want it to be really tidy make sure the gift is already inside a box. Make sure the paper wraps around the gift but without excess, you just want the two longest sides to meet in the middle of the gift and close, one over the over, with clear tape.
Now you can wrap the sides, crease the paper neatly into a triangle on the left and right sides for a neat finished look with no excess. Now you can be creative, add bows, ribbons, stickers, dried flowers or other surprising objects that the person receiving the gift will like or that are tied to the holiday spirit. If you want you gift to be even more surprising you may consider putting in a creative and unexpected container or even using the wrapping as part of the gift. For example, sheets, pillow cases, a new t-shirt.

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