Most Popular Celebrity Workout Method

Dream of having a celebrity body? It takes a lot of time, energy and dedication to obtain and maintain the healthy and streamlined body that most celebrities today have. It's not just about diet, but usually has to do with having a professional trainer. While most of us can't afford that luxury we still care about our bodies and dream of looking and feeling great. Rebecca Romijn is a well known fitness enthusiast and when she recently had twin babies she had to find a new strategy to lose the 60 plus pounds that she had put on.
Romijn says that losing her pregnancy weight was one of the most difficult things she has done in her life. For her, the secret was Bikram yoga, which is a 90 minute yoga workout in a 105 degree room. However, it's this torturous regime with sweating and and stretching that made all the difference. She does yoga 3 times a week. As for her diet, she cut out far, dairy, starch, red meat, alcohol and sugar. That left her with lean fish, spinach, salad, and chicken breast.

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