News about volunteer

Top Jobs for Travel

Want to get paid to see the world? If you can't afford to travel without work, here are some ideas. Consider working as a freelance writer/photographer. Contact companies like Lonely Planet and National Geographic. Today in certain countries there is a strong demand for ESL teachers, for example, working in Korea and A… read more

Volunteer in Your Community

A great way to meet new people and give back to your community is through volunteering. Though we are all pressed for time, volunteering is enriching and fulfilling - chances are after you begin you'll have too much fun to want to stop! The important thing is to choose a community service project in an area that means … read more

Hosting a Bar Mitzvah

Ironically, the party that follows the bar mitzvah usually gets more attention than the actual ceremony itself. It's actually a part of Jewish tradition that the child who is having the bar mitzvah host a party or festival afterwards. Recently though these festivals have become quite impressive and sometimes it seems t… read more

For those looking fir a large house

People living in a two or three bedroom house, those with families with three, four or more children, and perhaps grandma or grandpa too, can't be blamed if they spend an inordinate amount of time wishing for something bigger, and generally a lot bigger,5-bedrooms at least, six if they can afford it. But one of the pro… read more

The Ideal Beauticians’ Gifts

Beauticians are awesome people since they glam you up so that you can stand out at work or an occasion. On that account, you can appreciate them with beauticians gifts from time to time. Shopping for the ultimate present can be quite a hassle, but some ideas will get you started. The trick is to know what your makeup a… read more