News about uniques gift ideas

Use Pinterest for Your Business

We've all stumbled upon someone's pinterest board and spent hours scrolling through the collection of photos, now businesses are taking advantage of this technology to promote their products and services. You can use pinterest to promote your business as well, here are some tips that can help you drive up website traff… read more

Paint Your Home With Natural Pigments

Natural earth pigments were once the only choice for painting a home – or anything for that matter – now however chemical-based colors have become the normal and low-cost choice. However, in the past years natural pigments are coming back as a popular choice both because of their beauty and as a healthy alternative… read more

Teach Your Kids Basic Car Care

No matter what the future of cars may be (electric, hybrid, off-road) when your kids start driving you'll want to be sure they have a good base of car safety and care so that as they grow good habits will be ingrained. This includes tire and vehicle maintenance which will help you and them save money in the long term.… read more

Make a Small Space Look Large

It's possible to make smart use of a small space and simultaneously visually expand it with some simple projects, tips and tricks. Whether you are considering a small closet, room, home or apartment, the same rules apply. First, start with the basics of the space: color. White and other light colors expand space and il… read more

Trends in Knitting

Knitting is no longer just for grandmothers, today it's a trend for people of all ages with a huge range of possibilities as far as design and creativity go. Only a few years ago knitting began to turn a new page and appeal to young crafters, simultaneously a large array of colorful, inventive new yarns, patterns and r… read more