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Sports Over Video Games

It's obvious that the list of benefits of playing sports instead of video games is endless. However, let's just go over a few to be sure the message is clear! Sports build teamwork, video games are solitary and competitive. Sports build athletic skill, video games build hand-eye coordination and quite often, violence. … read more

Immigrate to an American Boom Town

Normally one thinks of immigrants as coming in from another country to live in the USA. However, sometimes it's right for us Americans to pack our bags and head to a new city with new opportunities. A Southwestern city growing in leaps and bounds is Austin, TX. It has a huge pull with the music festival South by Southw… read more

Fennel Fights Cancer

Though it may not be as well known as squash and Autumn greens, fennel is equal in nutritional value and most people who are familiar with it love its fresh taste. Fennel is an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, healthy fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. What's more, the same aromatic compound th… read more

Natural Beauty and Personal Care

What you put on your skin goes directly into your blood stream. Have you ever looked at the ingredient list for the beauty and personal care products you buy? 90% of the time they contain alcohol, soap, and other chemicals that in the long term are harmful for your body. Thankfully, natural skin care is becoming an imp… read more

What is Homoeopathic Medicine?

Have you heard people raving about homoeopathic medicine recently? This antique field is regaining popularity of late. However, few people understand what homoeopathy really is and how it works. In essence, the base theory is treat like with like. By using highly diluted substances, the body's natural healing system is… read more