News about sale kenzo perfume

Drink Water for Beauty

Water is one of Mother Nature's best kept beauty secrets. It will enhance yours kin, nails and hair while it benefits the body and helps it to keep “running” smoothly. By drinking water and remaining hydrated you can encourage fresh skin, you'll flush out toxins and help keep pores clean. It also will help you to l… read more

Organic Farm Internships

If you are passionate about organic farming and want to learn more about what it's like to actually live and work on an organic farm, consider organizing an internships. There are many organizations that bring together the tools and contacts for people to find an organic farm in their location of choice and contact the… read more

Why Choose Organic Apparel?

Like shopping for organic food, the choice to buy organic clothing is one that impacts your body, the environment and the economy - just to name the most obvious. Today's conventional cotton uses pesticides and herbicides that have been linked to cancer and are environmentally hazardous, while cotton only occupies 3% o… read more

Top Ingredients to Avoid in Personal Care Products

What you put on your skin becomes a part of your body, so choose with care. There are several harmful ingredients that are commonly used in personal care products, along with the other chemicals. Most of them contain at least one ingredient that may be linked to Cancer risks. Also note that the U.S. Food and Drug Admin… read more

How to Pay Less for Organic Food

Eating healthy on a budget is always difficult, especially when most organic products have price tags double that of regular fare. However, with a little shopping and culinary know-how eating well doesn't have to break the bank. Here's how to maximize your budget while eating well. Start by buying local, you may want t… read more