News about recipe potluck breakfast

Sports Over Video Games

It's obvious that the list of benefits of playing sports instead of video games is endless. However, let's just go over a few to be sure the message is clear! Sports build teamwork, video games are solitary and competitive. Sports build athletic skill, video games build hand-eye coordination and quite often, violence. … read more

Why Give Green Gifts?

Each holiday that rolls around everyone feels obliged to shop til they drop finding the perfect gift for the special people in their life. So, while everyone loves a gift, the whole consumer process, over packaging and wasteful disposal is just not Earth friendly. This year, when the holiday season comes upon you, cons… read more

Food With a Story

If you enjoy eating and speaking about food, check out some of the amazing food blog websites online today. You can follow cuisine and chefs from all over the world as they tell stories and teach you how to prepare some of their favorite dishes. You may find food blogs you like by starting at one site and checking out … read more

Essential Wardrobe Apparel

It's possible to own a minimum amount of apparel and always look great. You just need to curate your wardrobe with care, creating a base collection of wardrobe essentials that work in many ways and keep you looking and feeling good. To begin: a plain white t-shirt. Obviously, the choices are endless. Then, select a com… read more

How to Look Naturally Beautiful

Harsh chemicals, hours in front of the mirror, an expensive blow dryer and hair products – none of these are necessary to look beautiful. Here are some natural choices to look and feel great. For a radiant complexion start by cleaning your skin and then rubbing some sliced grapes over it – they are an excellent nat… read more