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Pilates for Posture

Pilates are a great tool for building core strength and thus are very helpful for posture. One learns how to use the abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor to support the trunk of the body, thus relieving stress on the legs, feet and hips. Everyone can recognize good posture and with a bit of sensitivity it's als… read more

Swing Dancing

Swing dance is a gorgeous combination of a specific historical and cultural moment. It dates back to the 1920s, the African American community began to evolve their own dance moves to the Lindy Hop and Charleston while dancing to contemporary jazz. This quickly picked up speed as Swing dancing can be seen in many Holly… read more

Make Your Blowout Last

So you've gone through the time and the trouble to blowout your locks and they are looking great. Now here are a few tips to help make it last. First step first, always start with wet hair, the more your hair dries the harder it is to get curls and waves out. Secondly, push to dry it until it's 100% as this will make y… read more

70s Clothing Making a Comeback

If you are someone that follows fashion chances are you have gotten into the habit of saving clothes that seem like they have gone in style – this is because you know they will always come back in later on. Someone that follows fashion knows it's cyclical and repeats itself. These days it's all about the 70s again. T… read more

Best Cheap Makeup Kit

If you want to refresh your makeup, but don't have the cash, here are some suggestions for a makeup kit that won't break the bank! With makeup it always pays to spend a bit more and go for quality, the best low cost makeup kits come from MAC Cosmetics, they are professional level and have innovative colors and great qu… read more