News about october health awareness topics

Why Choose Organic Apparel?

Like shopping for organic food, the choice to buy organic clothing is one that impacts your body, the environment and the economy - just to name the most obvious. Today's conventional cotton uses pesticides and herbicides that have been linked to cancer and are environmentally hazardous, while cotton only occupies 3% o… read more

Hygiene for Good Health

The first step to maintaining good health is proper hygiene. How many times have you heard that it's enough to wash your hands in warm soapy water regularly to avoid colds and other germs? Well, it's true and it's a better strategy than using antibacterial products that kill all bacteria - both good and bad. The use of… read more

Food With a Story

If you enjoy eating and speaking about food, check out some of the amazing food blog websites online today. You can follow cuisine and chefs from all over the world as they tell stories and teach you how to prepare some of their favorite dishes. You may find food blogs you like by starting at one site and checking out … read more

Labor Shortage for Trucking Companies in the USA

Trucking companies in the present moment have a shortage of workers around 30,000. New rules from the government that ensure reduced driving hours will create a need for an additional 100,000 drivers. Though this will open job opportunities the fact that there is already such a noticeable shortage may mean that working… read more

The Danger of Late Night Snacking For Your Health

Most people underestimate the critical value of avoiding late night snacking and meals before sleep. Though it doesn't seem like a big deal and we all do it form time to time, it's actually quite important for your health to avoid such behavior. The reason is because the body works hard to digest all that's put inside … read more