News about nokia lumia 950 xl

Nordic Cuisine

Sweden is known for their fresh spring potatoes, so good they can be served with only butter and fresh dill. However, both traditional and innovative new cuisines are putting Sweden back on the map. Today's Nordic cuisine uses traditional cooking techniques and ingredients, some of which are disappearing, reviving them… read more

Managing Curly Hair in the Summer

While some people are blessed with naturally sleek, straight hair even after a swim, some of us have the burden of managing frizzy, unruly curls on the go and with no styling appliances. Especially over summer, girls with curls have to get creative with taming their tresses in the great outdoors. Since camping trips an… read more

The New Generation of iPhone

With the release date of the iPhone on the horizon, there have been rumors about what the new bells and whistles may be. Some people look forward to the release of new iPhones like a holiday, waiting in line to be among the first to have one. It is still uncertain whether the new device will be called the iPhone 5s or … read more

Community Lending: The New Revolution in Banking

Virtual banks are the new frontier of managing finances, and because many people do not trust big banks anymore, online banking and banking apps are simply not enough. Puddle is a type of virtual banking that actually involves no bank at all; it is actually a transaction facilitated between friends or at least within a… read more

Will The Kitchen Robot Change Cooking Forever?

Have you heard about the Thermomix kitchen machine. In some European countries it is also called Bimby. It's reputation proceeds it as it seems to be able to create miracles in the kitchen. The Thermomix is made to multitask, it can cook, chop, weigh, crush, emulsify, whip, mix, steam, blend, knead, grind, simmer, grat… read more