News about new zeland real estate

Sports Over Video Games

It's obvious that the list of benefits of playing sports instead of video games is endless. However, let's just go over a few to be sure the message is clear! Sports build teamwork, video games are solitary and competitive. Sports build athletic skill, video games build hand-eye coordination and quite often, violence. … read more

Kitchen Gadgets You Just Don't Need

Retailers will push every kind of gadget under the sun on consumers – all in the name of simplifying their lives and the latest must-have 'technology' to get the job done. In the kitchen, just as everywhere else, it seems like there's a slew of ridiculous objects on the market. Here are some of out top picks for the … read more

Eating Out in Vegas

At the beginning Las Vegas had nothing to boast about regarding it's food, but no one really cared since everyone was there for a different reason anyways. Today the food scene at Las Vegas is as well known as its casinos and showgirls. If you like a certain genre of food, for example, Asian, head to the China Town whe… read more

Nanny in the Clouds

Finally an answer to the long distance flight for parents traveling with children. Nanny in the Clouds is a service to help connect parents and nannies or babysitters who are traveling on the same flight. Today it's difficult to find a nanny who is traveling to the same place, this business focuses on partnering airlin… read more

The Value of a Community Potluck

A community potluck is a great way to build and celebrate a strong neighborhood and community. Knowing your neighbors will improve your life and can also mean that you'll have a stronger network and support system. Throwing a community potluck will bring everyone together to meet, greet, discuss individual lives and pr… read more