News about natural foods near me

Why Does Organic Food Cost More?

You know organic food tastes better and is better for you than regular fare, but it's still just fruits and vegetables, so why does it cost more? It's a myth that organic fruit and vegetable growers produce less than conventional growers and as such would have to ask higher prices. The truth is that organic food is so … read more

Are Vaccines Safe?

Today children in North America are no the most vaccinated on the Earth. Does this mean they are stronger and healthier or potentially going to be at greater risk to suffer from the negative side effects that vaccines can often have. Today it's considered normal that in the first 18 months of life a child will receive … read more

Ideas for Dining In

There's a crisis. Everybody can feel it and everyone is cutting corners, things which once seemed normal, like dining out once or twice a week, now are starting to seem like a rare luxury. However, there is no need to sacrifice the pleasure of good food and company, you can have it all and also save money. Most peopl… read more

Best Street Food in Portland, Oregon

In general Portland, Oregon is a stand out city for food. Besides an array of great restaurants, a fun alternative for informal dining is to visit the street food stands. Over the past years the food carts or cooking sheds have grown in number and are now found all over the city clustered together. There's something fo… read more

Are Kids' Sports Too Competitive?

Statistics show that between 30 million and 45 million American kids are active in some form of athletics each year. This may be because in urban environments parents don't feel comfortable letting their kids play outdoors. However, the world of organized sports for kids have changed and grown more competitive. The men… read more