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Gourmet Food Gifts

If you enjoy fine wines and excellent gourmet food, consider how these can make excellent gifts!Better yet, thanks to comparison shopping it's possible to expensive, delicious gourmet foods faster and for less money: confront prices, offers, quality, opinions, user ratings and much more. So whether it's champagne from … read more

The Problem with Standardized Testing

For many students standardized testing is a drama that creates high expectations, fear, anxiety and is also essentially quite boring. Being that it's considered such an important test in the American education system, students place an overly large amount of concern on what there scores are and what it will mean for th… read more

Make Your Blowout Last

So you've gone through the time and the trouble to blowout your locks and they are looking great. Now here are a few tips to help make it last. First step first, always start with wet hair, the more your hair dries the harder it is to get curls and waves out. Secondly, push to dry it until it's 100% as this will make y… read more

What is Homoeopathic Medicine?

Have you heard people raving about homoeopathic medicine recently? This antique field is regaining popularity of late. However, few people understand what homoeopathy really is and how it works. In essence, the base theory is treat like with like. By using highly diluted substances, the body's natural healing system is… read more

Lou Reed's Liver Transplant

And yet another major rock star has undergone a liver transplant and survived. The 71 year old Lou Reed declared that he feels, "bigger and stronger" than ever shortly after he had a liver transplant. He claims the mix of modern medicine and Tai Chi has kept him in health all these years. Wife Lauri Anderson declared t… read more