News about makeup kit

Make Your Blowout Last

So you've gone through the time and the trouble to blowout your locks and they are looking great. Now here are a few tips to help make it last. First step first, always start with wet hair, the more your hair dries the harder it is to get curls and waves out. Secondly, push to dry it until it's 100% as this will make y… read more

Trade War with India?

The Alliance for Fair Trade with India (AFTI), along with the US Chamber of Commerce Global Intellectual Property Center (GIPC) and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) have begun a coalition in order to collectively speak out against what they say are unfair trade practices in India. India and the United St… read more

Brighten Your Home With Potted Plants

Do you have a pesky concrete slab in front of your house or maybe you don't have outdoor space to put in a garden. In this case, the best solution to add color, light and cheer to your home is potted plants. They add interest and beauty to a space and there are no limits regarding your creativity, use of color or which… read more

Eat Your Vegetables: Grilled Eggplant Salad

If you are looking for new ways to enjoy delicious fresh Spring and Summer vegetables consider grilling. You don't even have to dig out the charcoal and fire up the grill, you can do it all with your oven or a heavy rigid grill pan. With a grill pan you'll need to heat the pan thoroughly over high heat and then, withou… read more

Early Summer Home Maintenance

Whether your house is on the market or you just want to keep it in tip-top form, here are some tips for home maintenance that will show. Before moving your attention outdoors, here are some tips for keeping your house comfortable and safe this summer. Start by switching ceiling fan blades, you want the leading part of… read more