News about famous new mothers

Celebrity Restaurant Owners

The progression from movie star or international musician to restaurant owner has become pretty standard these days. Celebrities have begun opening their own restaurants, bars, and night clubs either as silent partners or in many cases, even full-blown owners. Jay-Z has a chain of sports bars that are similar in a way … read more

Nordic Cuisine

Sweden is known for their fresh spring potatoes, so good they can be served with only butter and fresh dill. However, both traditional and innovative new cuisines are putting Sweden back on the map. Today's Nordic cuisine uses traditional cooking techniques and ingredients, some of which are disappearing, reviving them… read more

Top Business Ideas for 2013

Whether you are trying to think of a successful product or strategy for your business or just looking for inspiration in what's new on the market check out some of the following innovative projects. Bring the Facebook "like" into your everyday life and material reality. Sometimes retailers find that it's difficult to … read more

Are Vaccines Safe?

Today children in North America are no the most vaccinated on the Earth. Does this mean they are stronger and healthier or potentially going to be at greater risk to suffer from the negative side effects that vaccines can often have. Today it's considered normal that in the first 18 months of life a child will receive … read more

The Ideal Beauticians’ Gifts

Beauticians are awesome people since they glam you up so that you can stand out at work or an occasion. On that account, you can appreciate them with beauticians gifts from time to time. Shopping for the ultimate present can be quite a hassle, but some ideas will get you started. The trick is to know what your makeup a… read more