News about examples immigration emigration

Best Low Fat Cheese Choices

You may have thought that cheese has to be entirely avoided when dieting, however, this is thankfully not the case! Cheese is a great source of protein, minerals, calcium and phosphorus – however it's also a source of saturated fat. Like most good things, cheese is best enjoyed in small quantities! In America we tend… read more

Essential Wardrobe Apparel

It's possible to own a minimum amount of apparel and always look great. You just need to curate your wardrobe with care, creating a base collection of wardrobe essentials that work in many ways and keep you looking and feeling good. To begin: a plain white t-shirt. Obviously, the choices are endless. Then, select a com… read more

Raising Minimum Wage

Let's discuss a recent proposal made by Obama to raise minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9 by the end of 2015. Though it still seems far off, it's likely to happen as this proposal is profoundly supported by America's over 6 million small-scale employers. In the past, lobbyists who represent small businesses have alw… read more

Tax Deductions You May Not Know About

Few people know how much money they can save with tax breaks, and even fewer know how many tax breaks are really out there. Here's some deductions and credits to keep in mind. For example, did you know that donating to charity can be used for a tax break? Make sure to get a written receipt of the total value of the it… read more

Does Nature Photography Harm the Environment?

What may have at first glance seemed like a simple question is actually quite complex. Sure, nature photography is an excellent way to sure the beauty of the natural world with people who may not be able to appreciate it first-hand. And in fact, in some cases it may be a powerful tool to raise awareness about animals t… read more