News about food tracker my pyramid

Can Cellular Phones Harm Your Relationships?

Cellular phones have changed our relationships with the people around us. Today, instead of sitting down at the table with friends to chat and catch up, we sit down at a table with friends and then we do most of the chatting on our cell phones. Most of us can't resist a quick glance at our phones! Though in theory our … read more

Common Auto Parts Repair Q&A

Most of us aren't mechanics, as such auto parts repair can be a tricky subject – but with some basic knowledge we can be much more secure and protected in the repair process. If you know what work needs to be done you'll understand your mechanic and also protect yourself from getting ripped off. Of course, a mechanic… read more

Successful Promotion with Email Marketing

The trick to successfully promoting a product or business via email marketing is to get customers to open your emails. If they don't open them, they won't get your message or take any of the actions you are hoping for. So, how do you keep clients regularly opening your emails? Here are the primary ways to create incent… read more

Used Car Shopping Online

When buying a used car, whether from a dealer or online, there are several essential rules to keep in mind. To begin with, you'll want to do your research, especially if you are going to a dealer, who are hungry for naive clients. Stick to a car that you are familiar with, this is very wise! To be sure your car doesn't… read more

Tips for Choosing a First Date Restaurant

The perfect spot for a date will obviously depend on the person you are taking on a date. There are however, a few general rules of thumb that can be useful in narrowing down the options. Especially for a first date, it is important to choose somewhere that will allow for comfortable conversation. This means that noisy… read more