News about angelina jolie lookalike youtube

Should Your Child Be Held Back a Grade?

When a parent first hears that his or her child may be held back a year in school the news can be quite a shock and seem to be entirely negative. However, holding a child back a year can be a positive thing for the child allowing him or her to further learn and mature without the potential struggles that would have com… read more

Best Street Food in Portland, Oregon

In general Portland, Oregon is a stand out city for food. Besides an array of great restaurants, a fun alternative for informal dining is to visit the street food stands. Over the past years the food carts or cooking sheds have grown in number and are now found all over the city clustered together. There's something fo… read more

The Right Curriculum for Young Children: Play

Never underestimate the value of play as an educational tool. A good kindergarten program should focus on active play that involves discussions and artistic projects to enhance a child's creativity and reasoning skills. Crafts can delight children for hours and will build their independence and self esteem. Another fu… read more

Gadgets You Can Speak With?

Today there is a wide array of gadgets that human beings can speak with. The question we ask is why? Essentially, because it's easier to use speech communication to interact with all a gadgets features than to fill it with millions of buttons - which is difficult as humans want their tech devices to be ever-smaller. S… read more

Give the Gift of Hobby

Sometimes a great gift idea is sitting right in front of you, all of us have a hobby and it just takes a little attention and research to find the perfect gift that will help your loved ones advance their interests. So, ready to save on your favourite toys and hobbies? From model air planes to learning toys, with Tellm… read more